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Industrial Machine Repair in the Midwest

Over 50 Years of Dedicated Service

Serving Customers for Over 50 Years

For over 50 years, Wisconsin Industrial Machine Service Inc has delivered industrial machine repair to Upper Midwest customers. We specialize in rebuilds, repairs, and retrofits, and our team has over 135 years of combined experience. We take great pride in our ability to serve our clients through our expertise, and our employees commitment to our customers needs. As a family-owned company, we understand your company’s needs and can implement solutions quickly. We can handle emergency machine repairs, annual preventative inspections, machine repairs, and more. Most importantly, we can respond to most breakdowns within 24 hours. Place your trust in our company today.

Our Services

About Us
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Our Work

We Offer a Blend of Impressive Services

Our team wants to ensure your company can fulfill contacts, and we do so by keeping your equipment in tip-top shape. We know how to rebuild boring mills quickly and understand how to keep your CNC equipment running smoothly. Most importantly, we are versatile and can work efficiently on all types of machines. We provide the following services:


Striving to Exceed Expectations Since 1973

We use our experience and commitment to quality customer service to build lasting relationships with clients like you. Over the years, we have helped countless companies maintain and upgrade crucial equipment with our rebuild, repair, and retrofit services. We always meet original OEM specifications, and our specialists do their best to exceed them. We overachieve so you can, too, making us one of the top machine repair companies in the Midwest.