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How Wisconsin Industrial Machine Service Was Founded

Wisconsin Industrial Machine Service, Inc. was started on July 1st, 1973, by Floyd Ploeckelmann along with the help of his wife Shirley. Floyd was an extremely skilled man who understood Machine Rebuild and Repair and after spending many years working in the field, he decided to start his own service company.

Over 50 years later, the company continues to be family-owned. However, his legacy of knowledge has been replaced by an exceptional group of talented individuals who share the same expertise and quality of workmanship.

WIMS Employees

What Sets Us Apart

WIMS has taken great pride in servicing our customers’ needs for over 50 years. Whether it is an emergency machine breakdown, machine repair, scheduled service, or Annual Preventive Maintenance Inspections, WIMS strives to provide efficient and cost-effective service solutions.

WIMS is often able to respond to emergency repairs and breakdowns in less than 24 Hours, frequently a technician can be dispatched the same day.

Our success is founded on our commitment to quality, and our pride in Craftsmanship that has been established as our standard operating procedure.

Our Experience

Our experienced staff collectively has over 135 years of Industrial maintenance experience. Our service technicians are driven by the ongoing challenge to Repair or Rebuild machines that will meet and often times exceed original OEM Specifications.

With a Retrofit, WIMS will take a machine one step further…making it an “overachiever” by upgrading it to the current realm of the 21st century.

Our Field Service Team can provide on-site analysis, dismantling, repairs, set-up, and training.

Attitude Is Everything

When answering a call for Service, WIMS subscribes to a positive attitude. Whatever the customers need; we will do it. Our answer is always YES!

Outstanding Support

WIMS is committed to providing you with the value-added service of Analyzing, Advising, Engineering, and Implementing solutions. In the case that the customer may need new Controls, Electrical, or Hydraulic support, WIMS has a history with companies that can help in those fields and we are happy to recommend one of them.

We Offer a Blend of Impressive Services

Contract Machining
Machine Maintenance
Machine Repair and Rebuild
Machine Retrofit
Portable On-Site Machining

Contact Information

21500 Doral Rd,
Waukesha, WI 53186

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 987, Waukesha,
WI 53187-0987


Hours of Operation
Service Hours: Monday – Friday: 5:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

21500 Doral Rd, Waukesha, WI 53186, USA

Over 50 Years of Dedicated Services