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Machine Maintenance in the Upper Midwest

Throughout the years, WIMS has made its name in the Metal Stamping, Fabricating, and Industrial Machine Repair Industry. Here is a list of some of the services that can be provided as regular maintenance on Metal Stamping, Fabricating, and Industrial Equipment

  • Annual preventative maintenance inspections
  • Freeing stuck presses, shears, and other equipment
  • Press/machine leveling
  • Coil line repair
  • Tonnage monitor calibration
  • 90 Degree stop time measurement and documentation
  • Adjustment of ram parallelism
  • Adjustment of gib clearances
  • Motor replacement and belt replacement and aligning.

WIMS also provides services for the following equipment. (THIS IS NOT AN ALL-INCLUSIVE LIST)

  • Bridgeport/KNEE Mill repairs
  • Bandsaw Repair
  • Lathe Repair
  • General Equipment Repairs/Maintenance

WIMS has several companies that we work with, that WIMS is confident in recommending if customers are in need of Hydraulic or Electrical repairs.

Over 50 Years of Dedicated Services